Outsider Baseball All-Stars


Career Stats

Compiled from a variety of sources (see site footer).

Career Batting Totals

Player Pos AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB BA SLG
Santos Amaro
OF 6845 1013 2099 319 66 48 1047 158 .307 .394
Edmundo Amorós
LF 6995 1267 2036 355 112 218 1045 181 .291 .467
Roberto Ávila
2B 7617 1305 2243 322 96 100 769 203 .294 .401
Agustín Bejerano
LF 5627 1166 1729 197 102 26 553 351 .307 .392
Carlos Bernier
OF 12491 2319 3563 470 224 264 1504 855 .285 .422
Bob Boyd
1B 7597 1107 2410 391 121 107 937 183 .317 .443
José Bracho
P 864 58 182 22 1 5 58 1 .211 .256
Ramón Bragaña
P 2590 430 641 95 23 59 391 35 .247 .370
Chet Brewer
P 712 70 177 12 5 1 49 11 .249 .284
Barney Brown
P 1669 206 453 48 17 4 178 13 .271 .328
Ray Brown
P 2019 299 535 102 26 50 325 13 .265 .416
Willard Brown
OF-SS 7030 1246 2347 464 104 303 1544 135 .334 .559
Ángel Castro
1B 6671 1068 2016 362 87 256 1290 78 .302 .490
Perucho Cepeda
SS 1642 258 533 70 31 16 300 18 .325 .432
Buster Clarkson
SS-3B 6776 1291 2117 357 55 328 1374 102 .312 .527
Pancho Coimbre
RF 3493 575 1173 238 39 48 588 61 .336 .468
Alejandro Crespo
CF 7112 1080 2119 396 121 114 1198 153 .298 .436
Ray Dandridge
3B 8615 1345 2706 423 76 86 1112 196 .314 .411
Martín Dihigo
OF-IF-P 5866 1101 1803 300 100 161 1002 175 .307 .475
Lino Donoso
P 639 59 172 21 7 5 77 1 .269 .347
Claro Duany
RF 3787 533 1171 221 24 128 629 39 .309 .482
Luke Easter
1B 7157 1152 2108 347 52 444 1573 13 .295 .540
Roberto Estalella
OF-3B 8415 1131 2501 444 100 298 1182 117 .297 .480
Pedro Formental
CF 5429 963 1621 263 105 135 842 146 .299 .460
Julio Franco
SS-2B-1B 14345 2261 4410 682 97 331 2122 594 .307 .438
Cocaína García
P 2636 306 775 113 23 20 345 20 .294 .376
Luis García
3B 10647 1494 3168 527 54 284 1637 102 .298 .437
Silvio García
SS 8494 1351 2646 422 89 135 1331 334 .312 .430
Josh Gibson
C 4030 1051 1474 259 100 281 1218 57 .366 .689
Rubén Gómez
P 1159 133 260 42 5 11 77 8 .224 .298
León Kellman
C-3B 3000 547 900 143 35 62 490 63 .300 .429
Vidal Lopéz
OF-P 2383 338 730 157 5 73 461 34 .306 .468
Luis Márquez
OF 11431 2009 3468 637 154 295 1529 483 .303 .463
Conrado Marrero
P 556 38 92 7 0 0 39 4 .165 .178
Agapito Mayor
P 718 61 158 32 3 0 65 0 .220 .273
Orestes Miñoso
LF-3B 14727 2513 4460 752 193 389 2238 386 .303 .459
Rafael Noble
C 6977 892 1854 295 48 218 1058 30 .266 .416
Diomedes Olivo
P 1262 100 325 53 3 10 150 1 .258 .328
Alejandro Oms
CF 3682 716 1251 201 67 59 463 106 .340 .479
Pedro Pagés
CF 5335 942 1508 241 81 34 615 206 .283 .377
Alonzo Perry
1B-P 6437 1194 2134 364 109 240 1333 125 .332 .534
Al Pinkston
RF-1B 6741 1194 2370 463 75 343 1336 82 .352 .554
Juan Pizarro
P 1046 126 230 43 7 15 110 1 .220 .317
Héctor Rodríguez
3B-SS 13718 1963 3847 469 186 78 1454 333 .280 .359
Lázaro Salazar
CF-1B-P 4774 895 1498 228 75 49 734 164 .314 .424
Patricio Scantlebury
P 1053 141 280 47 14 11 114 5 .266 .368
Bonnie Serrell
2B 6654 987 2045 329 129 104 988 144 .307 .442
Bob Thurman
RF-P 6827 1133 2016 311 120 261 1193 60 .295 .491
Luis Tiant
P 206 4 20 0 0 0 11 0 .097 .097
Quincy Trouppe
C 4483 857 1309 277 68 107 781 75 .292 .456
Jesús Valenzuela
P 743 75 174 31 4 10 68 0 .234 .327
Tetelo Vargas
CF-SS 5219 1127 1686 241 88 44 431 235 .323 .428
Marvin Williams
2B 6786 1303 2187 389 98 332 1441 92 .322 .543
WIld Bill Wright
RF 5632 915 1875 307 109 123 857 196 .333 .492

Career Batting Per 600 AB

Player Pos AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB BA SLG
Santos Amaro
OF 600 89 184 28 6 4 92 14 .307 .394
Edmundo Amorós
LF 600 109 175 30 10 19 90 16 .291 .467
Roberto Ávila
2B 600 103 177 25 8 8 61 16 .294 .401
Agustín Bejerano
LF 600 124 184 21 11 3 59 37 .307 .392
Carlos Bernier
OF 600 111 171 23 11 13 72 41 .285 .422
Bob Boyd
1B 600 87 190 31 10 8 74 14 .317 .443
José Bracho
P 600 40 126 15 1 3 40 1 .211 .256
Ramón Bragaña
P 600 100 148 22 5 14 91 8 .247 .370
Chet Brewer
P 600 59 149 10 4 1 41 9 .249 .284
Barney Brown
P 600 74 163 17 6 1 64 5 .271 .328
Ray Brown
P 600 89 159 30 8 15 97 4 .265 .416
Willard Brown
OF-SS 600 106 200 40 9 26 132 12 .334 .559
Ángel Castro
1B 600 96 181 33 8 22 116 7 .302 .490
Perucho Cepeda
SS 600 94 195 26 11 6 110 7 .325 .432
Buster Clarkson
SS-3B 600 114 187 32 5 29 122 9 .312 .527
Pancho Coimbre
RF 600 99 201 41 7 8 101 10 .336 .468
Alejandro Crespo
CF 600 91 179 33 10 10 101 13 .298 .436
Ray Dandridge
3B 600 94 188 29 5 6 77 14 .314 .411
Martín Dihigo
OF-IF-P 600 113 184 31 10 16 102 18 .307 .475
Lino Donoso
P 600 55 162 20 7 5 72 1 .269 .347
Claro Duany
RF 600 84 186 35 4 20 100 6 .309 .482
Luke Easter
1B 600 97 177 29 4 37 132 1 .295 .540
Roberto Estalella
OF-3B 600 81 178 32 7 21 84 8 .297 .480
Pedro Formental
CF 600 106 179 29 12 15 93 16 .299 .460
Julio Franco
SS-2B-1B 600 95 184 29 4 14 89 25 .307 .438
Cocaína García
P 600 70 176 26 5 4 79 5 .294 .376
Luis García
3B 600 84 179 30 3 16 92 6 .298 .437
Silvio García
SS 600 95 187 30 6 10 94 24 .312 .430
Josh Gibson
C 600 156 219 39 15 42 181 8 .366 .689
Rubén Gómez
P 600 69 135 22 3 6 40 4 .224 .298
León Kellman
C-3B 600 109 180 29 7 12 98 13 .300 .429
Vidal Lopéz
OF-P 600 85 184 40 1 18 116 9 .306 .468
Luis Márquez
OF 600 105 182 33 8 15 80 25 .303 .463
Conrado Marrero
P 600 41 99 8 0 0 42 4 .165 .178
Agapito Mayor
P 600 51 132 27 3 0 54 0 .220 .273
Orestes Miñoso
LF-3B 600 102 182 31 8 16 91 16 .303 .459
Rafael Noble
C 600 77 159 25 4 19 91 3 .266 .416
Diomedes Olivo
P 600 48 155 25 1 5 71 0 .258 .328
Alejandro Oms
CF 600 117 204 33 11 10 75 17 .340 .479
Pedro Pagés
CF 600 106 170 27 9 4 69 23 .283 .377
Alonzo Perry
1B-P 600 111 199 34 10 22 124 12 .332 .534
Al Pinkston
RF-1B 600 106 211 41 7 22 119 7 .352 .554
Juan Pizarro
P 600 72 132 25 4 9 63 1 .220 .317
Héctor Rodríguez
3B-SS 600 86 168 21 8 3 64 15 .280 .359
Lázaro Salazar
CF-1B-P 600 112 188 29 9 6 92 21 .314 .424
Patricio Scantlebury
P 600 80 160 27 8 6 65 3 .266 .368
Bonnie Serrell
2B 600 89 184 30 12 9 89 13 .307 .442
Bob Thurman
RF-P 600 100 177 27 11 23 105 5 .295 .491
Luis Tiant
P 600 12 58 0 0 0 32 0 .097 .097
Quincy Trouppe
C 600 115 175 37 9 14 105 10 .292 .456
Jesús Valenzuela
P 600 61 141 25 3 8 55 0 .234 .327
Tetelo Vargas
CF-SS 600 130 194 28 10 5 50 27 .323 .428
Marvin Williams
2B 600 115 193 34 9 27 127 8 .322 .543
WIld Bill Wright
RF 600 97 200 33 12 13 91 21 .333 .492

Career Pitching Totals

Note: Career ERA is based on seasons with both innings pitched and earned runs.

Roberto Ávila
0.1 0 0 0.00
José Bracho
2354.2 149 120 .554 3.22
Ramón Bragaña
3504.0 300 227 .569 3.58
Chet Brewer
2798.2 226 127 .640 3.14
Barney Brown
2922.2 216 180 .545 3.52
Ray Brown
3125.0 273 141 .659 3.05
Ángel Castro
71.0 3 3 .500 4.82
Pancho Coimbre
9.0 1 0 1.000
Alejandro Crespo
30.0 1 2 .333 1.20
Martín Dihigo
2100.1 262 141 .650 3.02
Lino Donoso
2837.1 183 139 .568 3.12
Roberto Estalella
3 3 .500
Pedro Formental
2.0 0 0 13.50
Cocaína García
2801.1 270 200 .574 3.50
Silvio García
362.0 37 24 .607 1.60
Rubén Gómez
5383.2 354 265 .572 3.31
Vidal Lopéz
1182.0 84 62 .575 2.42
Conrado Marrero
2653.2 199 120 .624 2.58
Agapito Mayor
3172.0 250 197 .559 3.61
Diomedes Olivo
2485.0 184 108 .630 2.68
Alonzo Perry
519.0 33 21 .611 4.04
Juan Pizarro
5852.0 394 263 .600 2.81
Lázaro Salazar
1929.1 139 97 .589 3.49
Patricio Scantlebury
2678.0 184 138 .571 3.42
Bob Thurman
364.1 45 43 .511 4.10
Luis Tiant
960.0 86 105 .450 4.01
Quincy Trouppe
17.1 1 2 .333 6.23
Jesús Valenzuela
3547.2 246 179 .579 3.42

Major League Equivalencies

MLEs (Major League Equivalencies) by Eric Chalek. MLEs attempt to estimate the performance of this one player if he was dropped into the existing AL/NL framework. It does not estimate what an entire integrated league would look like. That is a much different project that would require simulating expansion of the league to account for all the additional talent.

MLE Batting Totals

Santos Amaro
OF 1702 7290 6498 901 1869 347 87 47 790 193 724 350 .288 .360 .390 21.8
Edmundo Amorós
LF 1352 5208 4448 683 1186 194 57 146 605 93 672 606 .267 .368 .434 23.2
Roberto Ávila
2B 1879 7978 7017 1063 2029 311 78 96 778 120 869 515 .289 .369 .397 50.3
Agustín Bejerano
LF 2584 11070 9678 1429 2799 324 182 82 1166 286 1235 745 .289 .372 .386 46.1
Carlos Bernier
OF 2260 9526 8285 1180 2152 257 109 172 935 396 1119 1340 .260 .352 .379 31.9
Bob Boyd
1B 2071 8238 7589 982 2313 340 101 106 949 107 563 419 .305 .357 .418 39.8
Willard Brown
OF-SS 2492 10640 10069 1276 3091 533 175 278 1494 148 530 852 .307 .343 .478 66.0
Ángel Castro
1B 2727 11660 10371 1439 2838 500 116 309 1388 59 1244 676 .274 .352 .434 52.8
Buster Clarkson
SS-3B 2017 8610 7548 1111 2156 342 68 286 1081 89 974 799 .286 .370 .463 57.4
Pancho Coimbre
RF 2412 10320 9503 1285 2937 475 106 101 1221 133 698 728 .309 .359 .413 38.0
Alejandro Crespo
CF 1799 7690 7118 896 2054 363 134 113 937 77 527 526 .289 .339 .425 35.1
Ray Dandridge
3B 2418 10351 9766 1219 2960 500 98 87 1222 152 523 500 .303 .339 .401 40.4
Martín Dihigo
OF-IF-P 2795 11990 10570 1596 3099 473 165 429 1635 152 1311 746 .293 .374 .491 87.7
Claro Duany
RF 1588 6780 5994 884 1729 369 37 133 799 42 702 547 .288 .369 .429 37.8
Luke Easter
1B 2128 9055 7971 1121 2144 315 69 381 1225 1 982 1487 .269 .355 .469 48.6
Roberto Estalella
OF-3B 2111 9387 7876 1297 2306 372 85 262 1247 91 1416 986 .293 .405 .461 54.7
Pedro Formental
CF 1917 8180 6845 1123 1911 328 107 142 890 107 1224 479 .279 .392 .421 52.1
Luis García
3B 1555 6580 6063 732 1581 233 16 163 676 35 450 384 .261 .317 .385 17.2
Silvio García
SS 2518 10770 10026 1281 2947 440 88 170 1269 228 662 715 .294 .341 .406 64.4
Josh Gibson
C 2159 9230 8140 1281 2641 492 98 506 1505 82 1020 890 .324 .401 .595 100.4
León Kellman
C-3B 2048 8740 7310 1153 1900 259 66 115 809 66 1190 646 .260 .376 .361 30.3
Vidal Lopéz
OF-P 898 3840 3360 478 886 173 19 70 407 48 462 283 .264 .354 .389 12.2
Luis Márquez
OF 2044 8718 7997 1029 2212 363 74 156 972 213 558 1042 .277 .331 .399 24.1
Orestes Miñoso
LF-3B 2426 10283 9050 1470 2727 485 130 244 1410 273 1002 792 .301 .385 .465 69.8
Rafael Noble
C 1457 6220 5535 712 1370 234 45 138 649 16 569 733 .248 .324 .381 16.3
Alejandro Oms
CF 2497 10650 9355 1464 2866 486 188 220 1366 182 1058 638 .306 .380 .469 65.8
Pedro Pagés
CF 2169 9280 8159 1084 2124 377 119 56 907 176 984 626 .260 .341 .356 29.6
Alonzo Perry
1B-P 2191 9340 8425 1155 2362 404 132 289 1187 92 786 929 .280 .348 .463 40.3
Al Pinkston
RF-1B 2318 9900 9215 1123 2541 425 59 240 1173 177 586 958 .276 .323 .413 23.0
Héctor Rodríguez
3B-SS 2197 9370 8501 1085 2309 250 95 45 890 164 698 629 .272 .331 .339 25.4
Lázaro Salazar
CF-1B-P 2358 10090 8734 1360 2622 412 83 115 1100 134 1223 516 .300 .389 .406 62.6
Bonnie Serrell
2B 2342 10000 9324 1112 2546 384 154 105 1092 112 602 748 .273 .318 .381 25.6
Bob Thurman
RF-P 1475 5613 5166 686 1425 202 76 132 684 59 404 679 .276 .331 .421 15.3
Quincy Trouppe
C 1629 6970 5846 903 1545 301 58 133 734 71 1014 614 .264 .377 .404 44.3
Tetelo Vargas
CF-SS 2535 10880 9583 1479 3046 530 135 106 1309 114 1063 727 .318 .389 .435 69.3
Marvin Williams
2B 2339 9980 8891 1270 2547 431 139 295 1272 77 1014 815 .286 .361 .466 54.7
WIld Bill Wright
RF 2494 10670 9799 1314 2934 480 195 169 1344 209 776 635 .299 .354 .440 55.4

MLE Batting Per 600 AB

Santos Amaro
OF 600 83 173 32 8 4 73 18 67 32 .288 .360 .390 2.0
Edmundo Amorós
LF 600 92 160 26 8 20 82 13 91 82 .267 .368 .434 3.1
Roberto Ávila
2B 600 91 173 27 7 8 67 10 74 44 .289 .369 .397 4.3
Agustín Bejerano
LF 600 89 174 20 11 5 72 18 77 46 .289 .372 .386 2.9
Carlos Bernier
OF 600 85 156 19 8 12 68 29 81 97 .260 .352 .379 2.3
Bob Boyd
1B 600 78 183 27 8 8 75 8 45 33 .305 .357 .418 3.1
Willard Brown
OF-SS 600 76 184 32 10 17 89 9 32 51 .307 .343 .478 3.9
Ángel Castro
1B 600 83 164 29 7 18 80 3 72 39 .274 .352 .434 3.1
Buster Clarkson
SS-3B 600 88 171 27 5 23 86 7 77 64 .286 .370 .463 4.6
Pancho Coimbre
RF 600 81 185 30 7 6 77 8 44 46 .309 .359 .413 2.4
Alejandro Crespo
CF 600 76 173 31 11 10 79 6 44 44 .289 .339 .425 3.0
Ray Dandridge
3B 600 75 182 31 6 5 75 9 32 31 .303 .339 .401 2.5
Martín Dihigo
OF-IF-P 600 91 176 27 9 24 93 9 74 42 .293 .374 .491 5.0
Claro Duany
RF 600 88 173 37 4 13 80 4 70 55 .288 .369 .429 3.8
Luke Easter
1B 600 84 161 24 5 29 92 0 74 112 .269 .355 .469 3.7
Roberto Estalella
OF-3B 600 99 176 28 6 20 95 7 108 75 .293 .405 .461 4.2
Pedro Formental
CF 600 98 168 29 9 12 78 9 107 42 .279 .392 .421 4.6
Luis García
3B 600 72 156 23 2 16 67 3 45 38 .261 .317 .385 1.7
Silvio García
SS 600 77 176 26 5 10 76 14 40 43 .294 .341 .406 3.9
Josh Gibson
C 600 94 195 36 7 37 111 6 75 66 .324 .401 .595 7.4
León Kellman
C-3B 600 95 156 21 5 9 66 5 98 53 .260 .376 .361 2.5
Vidal Lopéz
OF-P 600 85 158 31 3 13 73 9 83 51 .264 .354 .389 2.2
Luis Márquez
OF 600 77 166 27 6 12 73 16 42 78 .277 .331 .399 1.8
Orestes Miñoso
LF-3B 600 97 181 32 9 16 93 18 66 53 .301 .385 .465 4.6
Rafael Noble
C 600 77 149 25 5 15 70 2 62 79 .248 .324 .381 1.8
Alejandro Oms
CF 600 94 184 31 12 14 88 12 68 41 .306 .380 .469 4.2
Pedro Pagés
CF 600 80 156 28 9 4 67 13 72 46 .260 .341 .356 2.2
Alonzo Perry
1B-P 600 82 168 29 9 21 85 7 56 66 .280 .348 .463 2.9
Al Pinkston
RF-1B 600 73 165 28 4 16 76 12 38 62 .276 .323 .413 1.5
Héctor Rodríguez
3B-SS 600 77 163 18 7 3 63 12 49 44 .272 .331 .339 1.8
Lázaro Salazar
CF-1B-P 600 93 180 28 6 8 76 9 84 35 .300 .389 .406 4.3
Bonnie Serrell
2B 600 72 164 25 10 7 70 7 39 48 .273 .318 .381 1.6
Bob Thurman
RF-P 600 80 166 23 9 15 79 7 47 79 .276 .331 .421 1.8
Quincy Trouppe
C 600 93 159 31 6 14 75 7 104 63 .264 .377 .404 4.5
Tetelo Vargas
CF-SS 600 93 191 33 8 7 82 7 67 46 .318 .389 .435 4.3
Marvin Williams
2B 600 86 172 29 9 20 86 5 68 55 .286 .361 .466 3.7
WIld Bill Wright
RF 600 80 180 29 12 10 82 13 48 39 .299 .354 .440 3.4

MLE Pitching Totals

José Bracho
474 2450 139 145 .489 3.93 2498 1212 1071 229 836 1080 20.5
Ramón Bragaña
683 4170 266 224 .543 3.61 4450 1954 1672 304 1335 1360 70.5
Chet Brewer
630 3830 237 217 .522 3.51 4165 1750 1493 212 1315 1217 49.5
Barney Brown
682 3870 242 212 .533 3.50 3951 1756 1507 214 1158 1592 66.4
Ray Brown
634 4100 269 214 .557 3.18 4315 1685 1447 115 1251 1376 85.3
Martín Dihigo
694 4130 270 214 .558 3.18 4218 1708 1457 252 1169 1938 87.5
Lino Donoso
559 2970 190 161 .541 3.43 2865 1284 1132 343 844 1698 51.8
Cocaína García
421 2530 150 146 .507 3.76 2674 1237 1056 200 798 781 28.9
Rubén Gómez
506 2525 138 150 .479 3.88 2487 1221 1089 294 1056 1204 26.5
Vidal Lopéz
108 750 44 43 .506 3.37 728 329 281 43 265 310 10.4
Conrado Marrero
513 3295 208 174 .545 3.14 3027 1316 1148 271 1355 2018 54.4
Diomedes Olivo
571 2818 168 165 .505 3.93 2607 1392 1229 334 871 1928 34.8
Lázaro Salazar
607 3140 195 174 .528 3.44 3173 1395 1201 171 1389 1304 52.7
Patricio Scantlebury
576 2970 177 173 .506 3.86 3106 1452 1273 312 945 1013 37.2
Luis Tiant
726 4130 254 233 .522 3.74 4201 2009 1714 161 1663 1953 42.2
Jesús Valenzuela
475 3060 204 156 .567 3.01 3090 1183 1022 238 987 1148 58.1


Manager W L T Pct
Santos Amaro
540 643 0 .456
Roberto Ávila
73 66 0 .525
Agustín Bejerano
461 469 0 .496
Ramón Bragaña
170 196 0 .464
Ray Brown
41 43 0 .488
Ángel Castro
98 122 0 .445
Buster Clarkson
6 0 0 1.000
Pancho Coimbre
4 11 0 .267
Ray Dandridge
65 54 0 .546
Martín Dihigo
126 94 6 .573
Roberto Estalella
56 44 0 .560
Pedro Formental
3 0 0 1.000
Julio Franco
160 167 0 .489
Cocaína García
25 39 0 .391
Luis García
84 62 0 .575
Silvio García
20 18 0 .526
Josh Gibson
39 29 2 .574
León Kellman
55 97 0 .362
Vidal Lopéz
1 5 0 .167
Conrado Marrero
30 39 0 .435
Orestes Miñoso
377 442 0 .460
Diomedes Olivo
Pedro Pagés
52 59 0 .468
Alonzo Perry
10 4 0 .714
Héctor Rodríguez
Lázaro Salazar
1159 904 0 .562
Quincy Trouppe
174 140 8 .554
Tetelo Vargas
11 14 0 .440
Marvin Williams
57 83 0 .407
WIld Bill Wright
3 3 0 .500